Welcome to Grace Baptist Church in Sharjah, UAE! We gather as a local church as those who have put their faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. We are united not by common backgrounds or similar interests, but through the shared fellowship we enjoy in Christ, which makes us distinct as a local church in Sharjah. 

We are...


We identify ourselves as Evangelical which differs both in faith and practice from Pentecostal, Orthodox and Catholic churches. We are committed to the inerrancy and sufficiency of the 66 books found in the Holy Scriptures, which we believe is the sole authority over the life and doctrine of each local church.


Grace Church is currently made up of foreign workers from 10+ nationalities over 4 continents. Our congregation is primarily made up of Filipinos, South Asians, and Africans, but also include a smattering of Westerners from Europe and the United States. We are united not by ethnicity or cultural heritage, but by our new citizenship in heaven.


Although there are over 15+ languages spoken in our church family, we operate in English as a common language so that we can gather and worship God together from various backgrounds and ethnicities. 


Our Gathering

At Grace Baptist Church, we believe that God has ordained the local church to be the main place where disciples are made and the gospel is displayed to the world. This is made evident when the apostles interpreted Jesus' commission to make disciples of all nations by gathering as a local church as their first act after Pentecost (Acts 2:42-47). The church is not a building, but a people who have been born again by faith in Christ and commit to one another as a covenant community.  God has commanded that members of Christ's universal body gather together as local churches in His name (Heb 10:23-25) To that end, we gather every Sunday morning at 10 am in order to worship God through faith in Jesus Chirst. 

Our Service

We believe that the Bible regulates how we gather as a local church. There are certain elements such as preaching, prayer, giving and the gospel ordinances that are prescribed by Scripture. We seek to order our service in a manner that recognizes God's authority over every element of our worship. If you would like to know more about how we order our service, you can view a sample bulletin.  

Want to Attend?

If you are interested to attend our Sunday worship gathering or have questions about our church, please fill out our Visitor Welcome Card.

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