Under the new covenant, Jesus Christ purchased every Christian to be a priest to the living God (Rev 5:9-10). Therefore, every Christian is equal partakers of grace as a "priesthood of all believers". There is no special class of Christian, which is why every member has a vital ministry to their local church and to the watching world (Eph 4:11-16). We encourage every member at Grace Baptist Church to look for opportunities to serve one another and the community around us. Examples of every-member ministry include:
- Studying the Bible with another member or visitor.
- Meeting up to read a good Christian book.
- Inviting members or visitors over for a meal.
- Visiting someone in the hospital.
- Knowing and meeting the needs of others.
- Calling or messaging someone to see how they are doing.
- Using the membership directory to pray for the body.
- Meeting together to pray for another and keep one another accountable.
In addition to the opportunities we have to serve one another throughout the week, we also have the privilege to serve one another as we gather every Sunday. If you are a member at Grace Baptist Church, here are numerous ways you can serve the body on Sunday.
Music Team
Vision. To shepherd and support congregational singing on Sundays through skilled musicianship and hospitable leadership.
Responsibilities. The responsibilities of this ministry include:
- Practicing together at least once throughout the week.
- Printing out song sheets and bringing them on Sunday.
- Coming early to practice on Sunday.
- Singing and playing musically instruments with skill.
- Humbly leading the congregation to sing praise to God.
Sound Team
Vision. To effectively enhance, complement and facilitate the singing, reading, praying and proclamation of the Word of God by making wise use of the audio-visual technology, in a manner that is pleasing to God.
Responsibilities. The responsibilities of this ministry include:
- Setting up the sound equipment before the service.
- Testing all the equipment ensuring it functions properly.
- Working the sound board during the service.
- Packing up all the sound equipment after the service.
Welcome Team
Vision. As ambassadors of the Lord Jesus Christ we at the Welcome and Ushering Team will ensure that the Sunday Gathering is both edifying and evangelistic.
Responsibilities. The responsibilities of this ministry include:
- Setting up the Welcome and Ushering Table.
- Greeting everyone at the door with a bulletin.
- Welcoming newcomers with a Welcome Card.
- Ushering visitors to open seats.
- Directing visitors to any activities after the service.
Set-up Team
Vision. To serve the body at Grace Baptist Church by making sure everything is ready to go before our service begins.
Responsibilities. The responsibilities of this ministry include:
- Unloading the equipment before the service.
- Setting up the Welcome signs.
- Setting up the mic and music stands.
- Packing up all the equipment after the service.
Grace Kids (0-11 yrs old)
Vision. Grace Kids exists to partner with parents in raising up children in the training and instruction of the Lord Jesus Christ; through gospel focused, Bible based, age appropriate teaching and care. It is our desire to see our children come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and to grow in the faith.
Responsibilities. The responsibilities of this ministry include:
- Serving in Grace Kids at least once/month.
- Facilitating and serving at the sign-in desk.
- Teaching and leading the activities.
- Watching Grace Kids 0-4 yrs old during the Worship Service.
- Praying and coming ready to share the gospel with our Grace Kids.
Requirements. The requirements to serve in this ministry include:
- Being a member in good standing at Grace Baptist Church.
- Reading and agreeing to the Grace Kids Safe Child Policy.
- Filling out the Grace Kids Volunteer Application.
- Meeting with a pastor for a follow-up interview.
- Agreeing to be bound by the policies of Grace Kids.
If you have any questions, please contact us at: info@gracesharjah.com