The words of Scripture are trustworthy words. To hear scripture is to hear God. And His words are spirit and life (John 6:63).
To walk away or neglect the regular meditation of the Word and the fellowship of the Word-speaking community is to cut yourself off from your very life-source and identity in Christ.
It is a faithless abandonment of what a Christian is called to do and a reckless, self-destructive path with devastating consequences. And the first thing that goes out the window is discernment. Here are 5 ways you can start to see yourself drifting.
- You begin to prioritize earthly needs over spiritual ones.
- You begin to pursue fame rather than faithfulness.
- You ask ‘what works?’ instead of ‘what does God want?’
- You proceed to manage your sin instead of crying out for a Savior.
- You begin to imagine your identity in Christ apart from the community of Christ.
The above is an excerpt from the sermon titled, ‘Soaking in Sodom’ from Genesis 19:1-38 preached by Anand Samuel at Grace Evangelical Church, Sharjah on Sep 30, 2016. To listen to or download the sermon, please go to